By Jarred Weigand (Death & Co NYC, 2019)

Dance Yrself Clean

“There was a tropical drink on our previous menu that featured aquavit and Jamaican rum, and I enjoyed that pairing. I wanted to create some sort of Negroni variation and figured it would work because of the popularity of Joaquin Simo’s Kingston Negroni and the affinity between Jamaican rum and aquavit. But the drink needed another hook. I always enjoyed peanut butter on rye bread, with the nuttiness and caraway being a good dynamic, so I fat-washed the aquavit with peanut butter. Once the drink was spec’d out it just needed something to make the flavors pop, and a bit of banana liqueur did the trick. As far as the name goes, I was into playing LCD Soundsystem at the bar a lot and this song title felt like a fun name for a cocktail. Its ingredients were a little bit out there, and sometimes a good name can help sell a drink that people might otherwise be unsure of based on the ingredients alone.” —JW

1¼ ounces Peanut Butter-Infused Linie Aquavit (see Note)
¼ ounce Smith & Cross Jamaican rum 
¾ ounce Carpano Antica vermouth
½ ounce Campari 
1 teaspoon Giffard Banana liqueur 

Stir all the ingredients with ice, then strain into a double old-fashioned glass over 1 large ice cube. No garnish. 

Note: To make Peanut Butter-Infused Linie Aquavit, combine one 750ml bottle Linie aquavit with 40 grams creamy peanut butter in a blender and blend until smooth. Transfer to a bowl, cover, and freeze for 12 hours. Carefully poke a hole in the solidified peanut butter and drain the liquid out. Strain the liquid through a paper coffee filter or fine-mesh sieve lined with several layers of cheesecloth, then funnel back into the aquavit bottle and refrigerate until ready to use, up to 1 month.