By Alex Day (Cocktail Codex)

Gun Club Toddy

A toddy is supposed to be soothing, and in this variation we’ve tried to add as many comforting elements as possible. Built on a backbone of Calvados and Pineau des Charentes (an aperitif made from fermented grape juice and young Cognac), and enhanced with the restorative combination of chamomile, lemon, and honey, this toddy is rich and nurturing.

1½ ounces Chamomile-Infused Calvados (see Note)
1 ounce Pineau des Charentes
½ ounce Honey Syrup (see Note)
¼ ounce fresh lemon juice
4 ounces boiling water
Garnish: 5 thin apple slices on a skewer

Combine all the ingredients (except the water) in a mixing glass and stir. Pour into a toddy mug, then pour in the boiling water. Garnish with the apple slices. 

Note: To make Chamomile-Infused Calvados, combine 150ml (5 ounces) Calvados with 1 gram dried chamomile flowers in a bowl and stir to combine. Let stand at room temperature for 1 hour, then strain. To make Honey Syrup, combine 2 parts wildflower honey with 1 part hot water in a bowl and whisk until thoroughly blended. Transfer to a storage container and refrigerate until ready to use, up to 2 weeks.