By Alex Day (2010)

High Five

"Over the years I’ve returned again and again to the combination of grapefruit and Aperol in many riffs that led to the High Five. Much like the Hemingway daiquiri, which uses maraschino liqueur to make the grapefruit more complex, here the Aperol is doubling down on grapefruit's bitterness and sweet brightness. This drink is all about the grapefruit, and fresh juice is key (I'm a huge fan of Pink or Star Ruby varieties). The garnish for this cocktail is literally a high fave and comes with a backstory: Though I’d made versions of the drink at Death & Co NYC, the High Five was finalized at The Varnish in Los Angeles, where I pulled some shifts while putting together our first LA project. The garnish was a collab with one of The Varnish’s servers, Kimmy Gatewood (a comedian, actor, and director who has gone on to do some badass work!). After tasting the drink, she excitedly reached across the bar to slap me with a high five—and henceforth the name and its garnish were set in stone!" —AD

1½ ounces Beefeater gin
½ ounce Aperol
1 ounce fresh grapefruit juice
½ ounce fresh lime juice
½ ounce simple syrup (1:1)
Garnish: 1 high five

Shake all the ingredients with ice, then strain into a chilled coupe. Garnish with a high five!